USB To Ethernet Adapter. Will this Work?

Spirit said:
You need nintendo's brand usb to ethernet adapter for the wii.

No you don't... <_<;;

It's the same thing with idiots saying: "No, your USB Wifi will not work because it's not official Nintendo"

Any USB to Ethernet adapter will work. Just because it doesn't have the official Nintendo branding doesn't mean it won't work...

BUT, that aside I would suggest investing in a Wifi/Ethernet capable router.
actually any old usb to ethernet adapter will not work. This is due to the fact that to support the hardware of the adapter the computer needs the correct driver. The Wii has the driver, and therefor is only compatible, for one type of adapter. There are non nintendo brand adapters that claim they work with the wii and this is possible. But if they don't specifically say they work with the wii, I wouldn't get it.
Spirit, things like Ethernet over USB are often standards, and therefore many many products will work with the same driver.
Particularly, if you check that it has the same chipset as the nintendo one, and from what i've heard the nintendo one uses a fairly standard chipset.
Mhmm... I've used non-official USB to Ethernet connecters myself, and I had NO problems with any of them.

But I got myself a Wireless/Ethernet capable router, and it works like a dream.
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ok guys thanks. i dont have wireless so i am going to need a cable one right? plus cable of course,

but i have just found the nintendo one on ebay. cost me £25 delivered. which is damn good

You need more then just an ethernet cable to get your Wii online. And its been out for a while. and sgllocal, you should buy a WiFi USB adapter for your Wii if youre going with a wired setup. Thats what i did and ive had no problems whatsoever.

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