Uploading Saved Replays


Wolf says Rawr
Mar 24, 2007
Is there anyway to convert the .bin file into a format Youtube would accept?
My little brother and I made a dance type thing on SSBB..
Somewhat of one at least.
And I want to put it on Youtube, yet the format it's in, Youtube does not accept.
Any information would be most helpful.

replays cannot be used to view the replay. EVER!

Let's face it. The replays are actually buttons you pressed. So technically, it's another game. That's why you're able to pause (and still hear the music going), look around, and take pictures.
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Yea, I'm not finding anything useful on Google anyways...
1337endo said:
Try this site:


Not to sure if it'll take .bin, worth a try.

I just noted that replays are moves recreated.

No media converter has the capability to replay the moves (button combinations).

In order to watch replays on the computer, your best bet is to somehow install SSBB onto your computer (which is 1. Illegal, and 2. Impossible).
Yes like Damascus said the game simple saved what action you took, what happens, etc. when it happened. That's why you can pause and move around etc.

There might still be hope if people get further with homebrew/hacking and somehow manage to manipulate SSBB data on the pc such as that allowing you to play it on the pc, then you can record it there. Very slim chance that someone would go through all that. Your best bet is a DVD recorder of some type for now, since it can go above the three minute limit.
camera?thats what i use for pokemon diamond...so yes,a camara would also be useful
camera has bad quality to upload videos, specially on youtube.
UNless ur camera is like super duper high tech stuff o_O
Um I think there is something called a screen recorder but im not sure if they have it for TV but if you can play it on your computer somehow and use a screen recorder while you are playing it then it just might work.

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