Umm... I gots a few questions.


Sep 30, 2006
Princeville, (Kauai) Hawaii
Wii Online Code
Well, don't get me wrong, I'm as excited for the Wii as all of you guys, and I'm as tempted to know as much about the Wii as the next guy, but I have a few questions that have come to me while browsing the site, such as...

What's a/the Mii? o_O;;
Can anyone tell me what's gonna come with the Wii when purchased, and if Gamestop will sell that exact thing for the exact price? (Gamestop rips a lot of people off, so I'm not sure about the same prices. >_< Plus, this is my first anticipated launch date.)
I'm hearing stuff about online play. Any idea what games it's gonna be for?
Are we gonna need memory cards or is there any drive/memory card... Err... Thing... inside it? >_<

And... That's about it for now. >_<
One more. Umm... Can someone explain how the Wii Channels work? >_< Thanks.
Edit 2: OH! And, what's Wii Play?
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the Mii is your online character fo games like WiiSports. you create them in the Mii channel on the Wii. the online is gonna be used for most multiplayer games (i think). im just excited about SSBB being online! as for the memory, the Wii has 512K of memory for gamesaves and downloads. it also has an SD (Scan Disc, the cards that are commonly used in digital camerias) card slot for additional storage. hope that helps!
Kumoriken said:
Can anyone tell me what's gonna come with the Wii when purchased, and if Gamestop will sell that exact thing for the exact price? (Gamestop rips a lot of people off, so I'm not sure about the same prices. >_< Plus, this is my first anticipated launch date.)
Wii will come with a power cord, composite video cable, 1 wiimote, 1 nunchuk, 1 Wii stand (sits on this when vertical), 1 sensor bar, 1 sensor bar stand, and WiiSports (except for people in Japan). It should be sold for $250 in North America.
Kumoriken said:
I'm hearing stuff about online play. Any idea what games it's gonna be for?
Currently there are no games that support online multiplayer. Nintendo has said the first online games will be offered in 2007; the first one being some Pokemon game. However, many of the games are rumored to have future downloadable content, like levels, characters, etc. Oh, and online play is completly free.

Kumoriken said:
Are we gonna need memory cards or is there any drive/memory card... Err... Thing... inside it? >_<
Wii has 512MB of storage built-in. There is an SD card slot on the front, which will allow you to insert an SD card (soon, 8GB memory cards will be released, which if it were used for music would hold around 1000 songs). Wii has two USB ports on the back which could potentially, if Nintendo allows it, let you connect a flash drive or USB hard drive to wii, which would give you almost limitless space. There's also something like 64kb of memory built into the wiimote, but this is only for storing your Mii and the the sensetivity of the game you are currently playing (if you switch to another game, those settings will be saved on Wii's 512MB of internal storage, rather than on the wiimote itself).

Kumoriken said:
One more. Umm... Can someone explain how the Wii Channels work? >_< Thanks.
You will turn on your Wii and the Wii Channels will be displayed. This is just a nice looking menu system. To play a game you've inserted, you click on the Wii Channel using the wiimote to launch the game. To surf the internet with the Opera Web Browser, you click on the Internet Channel (or whatever it's called) and bam, you are web browsing.
Kumoriken said:
Edit 2: OH! And, what's Wii Play?
I believe it's a game made up of a bunch of mini-games, sort of like Wario Ware and I believe it comes with a free wiimote.
If the Wii Play comes with a free Wiimote then it's probably a good idea to pick it up anyway as it would immediately give you a 2nd wiimote for your friend and u (unless you're a solo player) to look as goofy as you want together. Hopefully a good value purchase. :p

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