Ultimate Wii Post!!

Hush Sound

WiiChat Member
Aug 27, 2006
Wii-mote revolutionary??

I wrote a long and according someone, "commonish" post, so I'll focus on one big concern I have. I like the idea of the wii-mote and the huge possible upside of it, but I'm gonna stay skeptical until I actually have one in my hand to try. If Nintendo is confident in the remote, they need to demo it in stores BEFORE launch, with some wii-mote intensive games. I wanna see what this baby can do to revolutionize gaming. I want them to prove to me that my technologically inept parents can be converted to gamers.

Has anybody demoed the wii-mote yet? Perhaps at an expo or event... If so, is it mind-blowingly awesome or just annoying and hard to use?
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mehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh all thoes things have been posted and discussed, and some awnsered already, we have a policy here at wiichat to look around and search threads (using search bar) before you post a thread that seems commonish
well see the downside of having it demo'd in stores, is the store will be all crowded. i mean havign a crowded store without any paying customers, is pretty lame.
Sovieto said:
mehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh all thoes things have been posted and discussed, and some awnsered already, we have a policy here at wiichat to look around and search threads (using search bar) before you post a thread that seems commonish

I completely agree, if i0n can please close this thread.

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