UK Gamer looking for some VC Advice


WiiChat Member
Dec 9, 2006
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Hey, I just got 3000 points today, and bought Mario 64, I was wondering, How long until Some more N64 games come out? if it is like 3-4 months, I think I might get some other games..

Any suggestions??

If it is like 2 weeks, or just after Christmas, I will wait..

Can anyone help me please?
Probably the new year my friend. New years day will be the first day as yet unnanounced games should start showing up. I know punchout has been rated by esrb so it should be out soon. kirby's adventure is due to be released as well in the new year, along with kid icarus and pilotwings. none of the upcoming games seem to be N64 games, however that doesn't mean a whole lot in terms of releasing them as I'm pretty sure the approval process isn't all that lengthy, probably even shorter if it's a recent game and totally unchanged from the original. in the mean time, get bomberman '93 and bonks adventure and/or ristar. The absolute best games on VC right now are those along with mario 64, which you have. gunstar heroes comes out monday and is one of the best sega genesis games so maybe you want to check that out.
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Thanks, I think I'm going to get Gunstar Heroes on Monday, and wait for more N64 :D
The whole december lineup has been announced, though not specifically which weeks they are coming out in, you probably have to wait until January, I'd recommend Golden Axe or Bomberman in the meantime.
this one guy says he has zelda oot and smash bros64 on his wii already. he said u just have to check every 3-4 days is he lying????
A bit off topic but how much did you buy those points for, and also where you bought them from would be nice.
You can buy them from shops can't you?

And I wanted it for the UK :).

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