Ubisoft Hosts No More Heroes 2: Desperate Struggle Contest


WiiChat Admin
Staff member
Aug 18, 2009
Ubisoft will be hosting a No More Heroes t-shirt contest, inviting fans to submit designs of their very own custom t-shirt. The winning design will be included in the upcoming release of their new game which is scheduled for release January 2010. Fans will be able to create their own unique design and the winner will be hand-picked by video game legend and No More Heroes creator SUDA 51.

The contest is now open, and all entries are due by September 10, 2009, 11:59pm Pacific Standard time. To participate, and for more details, visit: The contest is now open, and all entries are due by September 10, 2009, 11:59pm Pacific Standard time. To participate, and for more details, visit: www.nomoreheroescontest.com

Reported By:anthonybest1
A new feature, exclusive only to the Wii, will be the connectivity between the Wii and DS called "Roadie Battle". In this game mode, each team will have the option to opt in their DS to become a Roadie. Roadies will be able to fend off dangers coming or attack the other user by playing certain minigames on their DS.

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