S snipegoat WiiChat Member Oct 27, 2007 1 0 Oct 27, 2007 #1 is it possible to transfer NES, SNES, and N64 cartridge data to wii (preferably perminantly) just like the VC, also if you can does it count as buying it from VC pleas answer
is it possible to transfer NES, SNES, and N64 cartridge data to wii (preferably perminantly) just like the VC, also if you can does it count as buying it from VC pleas answer
Brawny Anglophobiphile Dec 15, 2006 6,509 129 Ann Arbor, MI, USA Wii Online Code 5385-4035-7079-0395 Oct 27, 2007 #2 you can back them up You will have to redownload the games for free from the shop channel if you delete them from your main system memory.
you can back them up You will have to redownload the games for free from the shop channel if you delete them from your main system memory.