Trading in my PSP


#1 Chili Peppers Fan!!
Jul 17, 2006
England, Warrington
Hey this is my first post but I have had a PSP for ages now and it is becoming rather boring :zzz: I want to get a ds lite so does anyone in the uk know where i can trade it in and about how much I will get for it.

Welcome! Sorry, I wish I could help you but I'm not from the UK.

However, I traded in my PSP this year aswell; a real waste of money.

I bought it for $250 and only got $100 back, so if you really want to make some money on it, sell it on eBay. There are probably quite a few people who have a PSP as a Want It Now item, so I would search through there.

There are quite a few people from the UK on this forum, so don't worry, someone will answer your question.

Nice to have you on.:)

*EDIT* You could probably try selling it here although I don't know if the administrator would get upset, but I don't think he would. Good luck.
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NateTheGreat said:
Welcome! Sorry, I wish I could help you but I'm not from the UK.

However, I traded in my PSP this year aswell; a real waste of money.

I bought it for $250 and only got $100 back, so if you really want to make some money on it, sell it on eBay. There are probably quite a few people who have a PSP as a Want It Now item, so I would search through there.

There are quite a few people from the UK on this forum, so don't worry, someone will answer your question.

Nice to have you on.:)

*EDIT* You could probably try selling it here although I don't know if the administrator would get upset, but I don't think he would. Good luck.

ok thanks for the help!!

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