

Bat Out Of Hell
Dec 28, 2006
Wii Online Code
will they ever have them, for like wii sports or madden or w/e. not little kids getting together but nintedo sponsered ones with prizes. that would be cool.
Their having some tennis comps down he in Aus and the 4 finalist all win a wii and the 2 of the 4 finalist who win in a playoff get to play off against two actaul tennis playters woow
i want to check if theres any were i live. if there was a rayman contest i would so win.
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damn. cos i live in ga and i havent heard anything around here about them. i dont go into many video game stores though.
deity_link said:
Their having some tennis comps down he in Aus and the 4 finalist all win a wii and the 2 of the 4 finalist who win in a playoff get to play off against two actaul tennis playters woow
I would love to do that so badly:prrr:
you know that when super smash bros brawl comes out there will be a tournament down the road. man i wish there was a dbz bt2 tournament that would be tight.
I dont care where it will be, when the SSBB tounament comes around, i will be there to BEAT YOU ALL DOWN!!!!! MUHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!

:devil: :thumbsup:
I doubt it they will have tournaments for the offline games. Possibly the new online games when they r released tho., but itll most likely be hosted by Third-party players and companies, not Nintendo.

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