Too bright

The L.S

WiiChat Member
Dec 9, 2007
when I turn on the wii, it is too bright. The channels are almost unseeable.

I checked everything- Cords, brightness settings, etc.

What should I do?
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I also noticed that it looks fine on an older tube TV, but not on the LCD, which I normally use with no problem. People in my family are trying to say its the Wii, but I dont see how thats possible.
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Well, its alright now... sorta.

When I have the Wii on its stand its fine, but when its on its side, then its not. I guess its not big deal.
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Hm, lol ok... I also noticed if you switch it to cable while the Wii is still hooked up, and try to switch back, it gets all bright and white too.

Odd. I didnt really want to send in my Wii though.
That's a typical problem. It's not a big deal. Some television sets do that. You t.v. should come with a few different default brightness settings. For example, you should have something like this; sports, game, movie, etc. If so adjust to whatever you like best for your t.v. and when you play your Wii switch to game. If you don't have this just switch your settings while your playing. Problem solved.
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XxRed12xX said:
That's a typical problem. It's not a big deal. Some television sets do that. You t.v. should come with a few different default brightness settings. For example, you should have something like this; sports, game, movie, etc. If so adjust to whatever you like best for your t.v. and when you play your Wii switch to game. If you don't have this just switch your settings while your playing. Problem solved.

In theory that should work- but it doesn't. I changes the brightness, yes, but it still doesn't look as good as it should.
The L.S said:
In theory that should work- but it doesn't. I changes the brightness, yes, but it still doesn't look as good as it should.

Hmmm that's weird. Well I don't think the Wii is the problem. True that it's bright though. Well, at this point you should try to see if hd cables will do you any help. If not I say to keep messing witht the settings and if not just deal with it. Hope I helped.
WII too bright fixed!!!

WII too bright fixed.... if you have this setup that is.
Hey guys post this around and make sure it gets back to nintendo so they have the fix. It probably won't make any difference if you are using digital cables, but for the rest of us here it goes....
The problem is with the converter box that the video out cable is being plugged into. Out of the wii flows the video cable. The video cable enters a box which converts the video into a coaxial cable that screws into back of the t.v., v.c.r. or d.v.d. player. If that box has a flip switch on it to convert the ohms of the box from 75 to 100 ohms switch it to 75. If not check to see if you can buy one that has that switch so you can set it properly or just buy one that is 75 ohms. Apparently setting the ohms to 100 makes the wii waaaaayyy too bright. There you go, hope that helps. See ya!

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