Tomb Raider vs Prince of Persia


WiiChat Member
Nov 19, 2007
I'm considering getting Tomb Raider: Anniversary or Prince of Persia: Rival Swords. I want something with more adventure and less distractions of boss fights. If someone has both of these games, which game has the better controls and is more fun to play?
dude definitely Prince of Persia: Rival Swords. I rented it. THE ADVENTURE IS AMAZING and the controls are very compatible. I personally dont like tomb raider. and besides you get to kill enemys by stealth in prince its amazing
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Dudette! I'm a dudette. I appreciate your response, especially since Prince of Persia costs half of what Tomb Raider does. LOL
if we were taling tomb raider ps1 era, i would of said tomb raider, but the series has gone to hell, so im gonna say prince of persia

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