To all Guests...

Wishale said:
What! :p Email cookies suck! They do nothing but slow down my inbox (lmfao xD)

Thanks but no thanks :p
Ye, plus you get crumbs everywhere...

Maybe there's something else we could offer, like mini-competitions for members only, or certain secret areas in which you have to sign up for.

Also, in the secret area, possibly a friend-code section. Plus maybe custom made screensavers/wallpapers/artwork etc...
yea im always open to new ideas :)

Currently only registered members can see the full size images in the gallery, and any attached images in the threads.
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Maybe makin the site so you can only look at things on the forum (other then the FAQ's etc) if you become a member... though people might only join to loook at stuff and not make any posts..
Maybe, in the early days when we weren't so active. But guests love to see active discussion - i know i wouldnt join a quiet forum :)

So lets make a deal, i'll try my hardest to get as many guests here and you guys look busy :p
hey, people plz join and put Arcadium as your referral :D, well I want to win that contest! cause its too difficult to me to get money... and remember its Arcadium... easy to remember as Wii

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