Timesplitters 4


Audentes fortuna iuvat
Apr 20, 2007
Wii Online Code
Timesplitters 4 is underway.

No systems have been confirmed yet, however, 2 and 3 were both on the Gamecube. They were both the highest rated GC shooters on IGN. They has solid multiplayer, and one would imagine that online would come with their 7th gen effort. Now, with the Wii in so much better shape than the GC ever was, it's hard to imagine they'd suddenly not dev for Nintendo.

Especially with their recent flattery about the Wii's FPS potential.

"Personally, as a gamer, I think it has definite potential (as a first-person shooter controller)," he said. "It can be done, you can get really great FPS controls with the Wii. I think it has huge potential there."

Do you want Timesplitters 4?
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That'd be awesome. I thought they were ending it at 3, but a sequel will be worth it...

The second one was pretty cool. The third was excellent, and I think one of the original problems (for me) with the Timesplitters series was the controls. With the wiimote however, I'm sure it would be amazing.

Definately a good sign.
Defo i must say timesplitters have to be my absolute fave FPS series.

as long as they stick to the formula of

huge range of weapons
huge HUGE range of characters
wide range of levels
wide range of settings
huge range of game modes

then it will be my must have

oh and added online play would be awsome
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Marc said:
Wouldn't hold your breath for a Wii version.

If only because the Wii's FPS library sucks, and because Nintendo has been discouraging hardcore, I'd agree.

However, 1) both 2 and 3 were on the doomed GC console--the Wii's positioning and sales are much more encouraging 2) Free Radical has a Wii in their office 3) a Free Radical rep SPECIFICALLY mentioned the "huge" FPS potential on the Wii days before they let us in on TS4 being in the works.

That the Wii FPS genre is in the can is only more incentive for TS to become the "must have" title for the system. RS, sucky as it was, still sold in big numbers. Put out something with real potential and real 7th gen options, and you can multiply that success by filling the gap.

Surely by now the big gaming companies must see the Wii's interaction capabilities, the FPS genre could be huge if only such companines take their blinkers off and stop thinking gorgeous empty visuals that could? They think, can only be manufactured on PS3 or Xbox 360, which after a play or two simply looses it WOW appeal.
By now most Wii owners have, or are itching for something spectacular, online gaming with complete strangers, simply pounding the living daylights out of each other.
Battalion Wars 2 could be such a game, BUT! it's RTS and there's nothing like having your M16 gripped feverishly in both hands as you pace through hostile ground hoping that some unlucky punter steps in your line of sight... oh the days of BF2, anyway, back to the topic at hand.
Surely a company with enough BALLS and enough vision can take the Wii to a level that supersedes mind blowing graphics and replaces it with mind blowing game play, the kind of game play which commands you to take a sicky from work and continue your quest to dominate all.

Red Steel began to tap the FPS potential, now we need the big guns to program the big guns and let Wii show those other consoles that "We may be small... but we are fierce!"
Oh my Gawd...................................
the Timesplitters series are the best games to grace the gamecube.
May it do the same for the wii... Amen.

If it comes out for wii, it'll be higher on my list then smash bros brawl
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Time Splitters, yes I would love to see that make its way to the Wii.
Hopefully this happens, along with more FPS's coming, that'd be great!.
This would be pretty sweet to see.
Timesplitters on the GC was awesome.
I got headaches from it though, moving around and stuff, look sensitivity. I wasn't sure if you were able to slow it down, never looked. But that was one problem in that game that was annoying...But still, great games.
If this is to come out for the Wii, I will be pre-ordering it the day it is available for pre-order! And if it has online, Lord help us all.
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wombateer said:
Surely by now the big gaming companies must see the Wii's interaction capabilities, the FPS genre could be huge if only such companines take their blinkers off ...
By now most Wii owners have, or are itching for something spectacular, online gaming with complete strangers, simply pounding the living daylights out of each other.

At least Free Radical has said they get the potential. Others refuse to see it. COD4 is skipping the Wii. MOH Airborne is skipping the Wii, leaving it's less interesting little brother Medal of Honor Heroes 2, to do the job (indicating the Wii's worth to them). This coming FPS cycle promises to be worse than the last one (though there's a rumor of RS2 making a Very early entrance), and that's saying something. I really don't believe many companies (sans Free Radical) are 'getting' how much FPS potential lies in virgin development territory.

There's definitely demand, but Wii360 users are starting to get used to getting their itch scratched by MS. It's uncertain how willing MS would be release them for other tasks if Nintendo ever does get its act together.
Timesplitters is cool !

Only thing I find kind of cheap is that all the games are almost the same with sounds and movement.

Battalion wars is shooting next to strategy though. Its not going to be like command and conquer ;)

timesplitters will be a cool arcade shooter. If it had online I can imagine it gettin near unreal tournament.

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