Tiger Woods 08 - Multiplayer PGA Tour option?


WiiChat Member
Jan 2, 2008
Is there a way in Tiger Woods 08 to play on the PGA tour with more then one player at a time? We are playing solo at the moment because we can't find an option to play on the tour with more then one player at a time. Skins or others work with more then one player but we are SOL when it comes to finding the option for two players on tour.
i don't think you can play career mode with multiple users at the same time. i'm not 100% sure but i've never seen the ability to do that in a tiger game. i'll try and double check when i get home though

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One more question...

Is the tour the best way to earn the cash to "equip" yourself? We have found skins and the target one which make money but other then that we have not found any other ways except for the tour which sucks to not be able to play at least two people on.
tour is the only way i know of other than the tiger challenges or whatever they're called. yeah i do know what you mean about it sucking to not be able to play multiplayer, sadly i'm pretty positive that you can't though. only thing i can think to do would be to have your separate files and play them when the other person isn't around and make a shared file and just take turns from hole to hole or round to round or however you feel like doing it.
sorry, i wish i had better news for you


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