This weeks UK VC games


An ancient one, banner of over a thousand acunts
Staff member
May 30, 2006
Super Mancyland
Wii Online Code
Bloody epic
The amount of games out this week

Double Dribble
Like most NES sports games the game is fairly simple. All you do is dribble with the ball and try to shoot it into the hoop on the other side of the field. There are no special gimmicks. Unfortunately, this is both a blessing and a curse, as while the game is fairly easy to play, it gets boring very quickly. To top it all off, there's no music during matches - Only during cutscenes and in the menus. All you'll hear during matches is dribbling and throwing sound effects. There's not much possible variation in the matches either, with only 3 teams (All of them American, hmm). You can also select how long a match lasts (5, 10, 20 or a whopping 30 minutes) and select the amount of innings. If you have a friend willing to play the game (Good luck finding him/her) you can also play against each other.
That game is hilarious - you can steal the ball automatically by holding a button for two seconds ... 3 pointers are just as hard as lay ups ... That's probably the worst update I ever heard of. :lol:
Wait? Just 1 game?! Did the 3 programmers that work on VC all get sick? I'm serious, how did you guys get just 1 game?

Prediction: Next week, Bayou Billy, Quest 64.

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