This Weeks Game Chart.


The XBOX 360 Guy
Jul 18, 2007
Wii Online Code
I will update weekly, on a basis of games sold in UK

its multi format Chart, and well here it is

Week 21-28 of October 2007

10-Crash Of the Titans (PS3-Wii-360)
9--Resistance fall of man (PS3)
8--Tiger Woods Pga Tour 08 (PS3-Wii-360)
7--Ratatouille (PS3-Wii-360)
6--Project Gotham Racing 4 (360)
5--Halo 3 (360)
4--The Legend of Zelda Phantom Hourglass (DS)
3--The Orange Box (360)
2--Fifa 08 (PS3-Wii-360)
1--Football Manager 2008 (PC)

Week 29-5 of October/November 2007

10-Cooking mama (Wii)
9--High school Muscical Making the Cut (DS)
8--Halo 3 (360)
7--Metroid Prime 3 Corruption (Wii)
6--The Orange Box (360)
5--Ratatouille (Wii-PS3-360)
4--The legend of Zelda, The phantom Hourglass (DS)
3--Football Manager 2008 (PC)
2--Fifa 08 (Wii-PS3-360)
1--Pro Evolution Soccer 2008 (360-PS3)

Week 6-13 of November 2007
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Football Manager 08 FTW....oh already has.

I most likely get it based on the fact I got 07 (I have racked up a hell of an amount of gameplay hours on it)
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well this week is pretty impressive

4 nintendo exclusives 2xDS 2xWii

only 1 360 Exclusive
and no PS3 exclusives

pretty good imo

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