Them "Free 500pts" threads


An ancient one, banner of over a thousand acunts
Staff member
May 30, 2006
Super Mancyland
Wii Online Code
New year brings new annoyances.

This time its one that we get threads for nearly every damn day

Yep its Noobs trying to get people to add there code so they can get something for nothing.

Any chance we can get some kind of rule stopping these damn threads?
higly unlikely as we still can't stop the random friend codes threads. i share you feelings on this but i just don't think its gonna happen anytime soon.
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Im in a bad mood for some reason (probably tiredness)so ban for them would make me feel better.
Or better still a big sticky telling people not to ask for it
higly unlikely as we still can't stop the random friend codes threads. i share you feelings on this but i just don't think its gonna happen anytime soon.
Well, if you haven't tried it, you can'nt be sure that it doesn't work, can you?

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