Worst game ever is probably Target Terror, not only is it a slow paced rail shooter but it looks horrible and controls worse than it looks. I don't even see why they would burn that game to a disc. You can probably find it for about $5 now...but its not even worth that. I would wait till it arrives in 99 cent stores.
metroid and halo
halo, the bettr the grafics the worse the gameplay
and metroid is retarted
shadow u live in a box
u probably only hate cod5 bcause u suck at it and even if its the best game 4 the wii
u probably play ssbb (family oriented crap)
wat??nu said COD it did lack sum features but it overall is a fungame. Uhhh worst game ive ever played on wii is wario land shake it. i dont kno but i personally didnt enjoy it
Wow, there are people who actually did not like Metroid? Damn, that game is why I bought the system. As far as the worst of what I bought, played, own, the Star Trek game kinda sucks, I mean it's not horrid, just not great.