The Wiilympics! Tournaments for the Wii!


WiiChat Member
Dec 27, 2006
The Wiilympics is up and running! Come and check out the site for all our most recent tournaments! Anyone can play and join, so have a gas! We will adding new tournaments to the site every couple of weeks. As well as that we will be posting all the latest news from Nintendo.
So come on over, meet some new friends, win some Wii points, and get all the latest dish on the Wii!
The Wiilympics
i really like your site and think its a great idea! sad thing is i dont have madden, and dont plan on gettin it. I think it would be awsome if you did it for some of the wii sports games first since everyone has that game, maybee like who can get the highest score in the training section on certain sports. just my .02
They send you the wii points card number. (1500 points already used on it) making it 500

Thats my guess but I still do not own a wii so I wouldn't know.
its impossible to only use a certain amount of points off a card, one you transfer thme to a console they are all gone forever
hi can anyone help me, i want to connect my wii with wiiconect24 but i dont know how, do i need wireless internet connection? any help will do pls

sorry this is a bit off topic but i need help

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