The Toys-R-Us Pre-Order Call


WiiChat Member
Sep 22, 2006
So Has anyone else that pre-ordered at toys r us got the call to set up what time they're to go pick their wii up? im penciled in to pick mine up 10:40. whoo!
I preordered my wii at TRU last sunday, 2 actually. Anyway, I didn't get a call yet but could you be more specific on what they are telling us when they call? Are there certain times to come in before they open or during the day to pick your wii up based on your number in line or what?
i thnk he means that since there is gonna be so many people coming in to get their systems they are calling everyone to book them for a time to come pick it up so that they dont have hundreds of kids running around shouting "wii wii i got my WIII!!!!" cause i know thats what im gonna do.

haha its actualy quite clever of them but sucks for anyone who doesent get pinceled in till like the night or the next day that would blow.
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actually they didnt say much, the lady just informed that they will be opening a bit earlier for the pre order sales. she gave me two times of which i could come in and get my wii, 10:20 or 10:40. i was never given a number in line, seeing as how i pre-ordered my wii way back in september even before anyone really knew. i was in luck when i saw it in an ad.
Hmm, alright thanks for the info i'm going to give my TRU a call tomorrow and find out how they are going to handle it.
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Thorgouge said:
Hmm, alright thanks for the info i'm going to give my TRU a call tomorrow and find out how they are going to handle it.

yeah no problem, good luck with your wii.
Damn Thor I hope you're not plannin to re-sell that second one, it better be a gift.

eBayers are going to snatch up all the consoles before us gamers get one.
I gots one waiting for me with no pre-order at a TRU store in New Jersey. WOOHOOO!
Alrighty then, well every time I try and call my local TRU, the line is busy, it's the most annoying thing in the world lately. Plus, they haven't responded to my email. I'm getting fed up not knowing if I even have to camp out or not... I've had this preorder for over five months, and would like to get a straight answer as to whether or not I am guaranteed a copy.
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tuned said:
Alrighty then, well every time I try and call my local TRU, the line is busy, it's the most annoying thing in the world lately. Plus, they haven't responded to my email. I'm getting fed up not knowing if I even have to camp out or not... I've had this preorder for over five months, and would like to get a straight answer as to whether or not I am guaranteed a copy.

wow, 5 months?! thats a long time i've only had mine for three. but i suggest you keep calling to see whether or not you are to go there and pick it up. but i think that because you've preordered they will call you and give you details.
patrickj said:
wow, 5 months?! thats a long time i've only had mine for three. but i suggest you keep calling to see whether or not you are to go there and pick it up. but i think that because you've preordered they will call you and give you details.

I wish it were that easy... I can't even get a hold of them, let alone them calling me. :nonod:

EDIT: Just thought I'd add, they never called me... and when I picked up the system I was told that the 'bundle' on my preorder was just to guarantee a copy of twilight princess (which I had no intention of buying at launch anyway) and an extra wiimote (not including nunchuk)... needless to say they ran out of nunchuks but I was able to snatch an extra wiimote... so I'm not disappointed in anyway, glad to have been one of the lucky bunch to get one today.
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