Square Enix launches two not-very Square-Enix-like WiiWare games today – The Tales of Bearsworth Manor: Puzzling Pages and The Tales of Bearsworth Manor: Chaotic Conflicts. Both share a common gameplay system, with each game featuring over 30 stages of puzzling action where players get to throw paper bears into the screen using the Wii Remote, kind of like throwing hoops at a carnival.

In Puzzling Pages, the goal is to collect objects in an attempt to solve the mystery of Pina, a young girl who lives in the crumbling mansion. Chaotic Conflicts follows a parallel storyline, only with much more battle-orientated stages, the aim being to destroy waves of enemies and protect valuable blue jewels from a mysterious young boy called Kina.
Both games are available separately for 1000 Wii Points each, but there’s a special treat in store for players who complete both games.