I appoligise to those who think: ''wtf is this!?'' and feel this is a waste of thread...
this completely random thread will probably get veery little attention
and replys but o well. I just wanted to say my oppion on this hillarious song...
how did i find out? :lol:
a good pal of mine, Bertha, told me about this awesome song and said; 'types in ''shoes'' on youtube.com and then click on ''The Shoes Song'' and i gaurentee you will be laughing at petheticiness for days...'
my oppion on my good pals oppion :lol:
Bertha was damb wrong! The song is not something to laugh at because of petheticiness - is that even a fricken word? - but a song to honour at laugh at through glory of a comedy break through. My twin happened to find it the worst, yes i enthithised worst because she hated it, because it was, in her words, ''annoying.'' But i very much disagree. Your both very wrong! :mad5:
what the heck is this!? YOU STUPID WRECKISH TIME WASTER GIGI!!!!
a thread about an awesome song that is much undermimed by the people i know. Even though ive only watched it once. Now im thinking about it, time for a second look at the amazing ''Shoes'' song. btw its a video of a man dressed as a women, singing an amusing song about wanting more shoes, something along the lines of; ''shoes...omg shoes...lets get some shoes...shoes x50 and then; ''those shoes are $300, those shoes are $300, those shoes are $300 f*****g dollars! ... lets get them! and when another transvestite (if i spelt it right, did i? Im not good at spelling, point out my spelling errors folks!) comes in and says ''i dont think those shoes will fit you,'' then the original poeticly song-strung cross dressing - i found out that in america you say cross dressing for this, haaha :lol: what a cool thing to say... anyway ... - the orignal guy comes in and says ''oh x50'' and then he gets mad, screams f**k you alot of times at the other transvestite (again correct my spelling guys!) and theres fire, a ring, lots of people, shoes, angry men dressed as wimon and normal guys looking pretty scared, as well as a very freaked out appearing shoe shop assitant.... - phew!
Glad you got all of that!
...you didn't get any of that... :wtf:
this completely random thread will probably get veery little attention
and replys but o well. I just wanted to say my oppion on this hillarious song...
how did i find out? :lol:
a good pal of mine, Bertha, told me about this awesome song and said; 'types in ''shoes'' on youtube.com and then click on ''The Shoes Song'' and i gaurentee you will be laughing at petheticiness for days...'
my oppion on my good pals oppion :lol:
Bertha was damb wrong! The song is not something to laugh at because of petheticiness - is that even a fricken word? - but a song to honour at laugh at through glory of a comedy break through. My twin happened to find it the worst, yes i enthithised worst because she hated it, because it was, in her words, ''annoying.'' But i very much disagree. Your both very wrong! :mad5:
what the heck is this!? YOU STUPID WRECKISH TIME WASTER GIGI!!!!
a thread about an awesome song that is much undermimed by the people i know. Even though ive only watched it once. Now im thinking about it, time for a second look at the amazing ''Shoes'' song. btw its a video of a man dressed as a women, singing an amusing song about wanting more shoes, something along the lines of; ''shoes...omg shoes...lets get some shoes...shoes x50 and then; ''those shoes are $300, those shoes are $300, those shoes are $300 f*****g dollars! ... lets get them! and when another transvestite (if i spelt it right, did i? Im not good at spelling, point out my spelling errors folks!) comes in and says ''i dont think those shoes will fit you,'' then the original poeticly song-strung cross dressing - i found out that in america you say cross dressing for this, haaha :lol: what a cool thing to say... anyway ... - the orignal guy comes in and says ''oh x50'' and then he gets mad, screams f**k you alot of times at the other transvestite (again correct my spelling guys!) and theres fire, a ring, lots of people, shoes, angry men dressed as wimon and normal guys looking pretty scared, as well as a very freaked out appearing shoe shop assitant.... - phew!
Glad you got all of that!
...you didn't get any of that... :wtf: