the official "WHAT GAMES DO YOU HAVE" thread


WiiChat Member
Sep 20, 2006
Auzzie land (freo)
Wii Online Code
so what games (including virtual console) do YOU have on your wii...
how good are they, and give them a rating out of 10.
(feel free to give rating on your game cube games aswell)

Thanks heaps
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ha funny you should say that. even though i got it, its a "christmas present" sucks huh?? lol. so yea, i cant play it till december 25.
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ZeLdA4LiFe said:
ha funny you should say that. even though i got it, its a "christmas present" sucks huh?? lol. so yea, i cant play it till december 25.

omg haha that sucks soo bad.. to bad for you ay...
i know, but hey atleast i dont have to worry about not getting one at all huh?? im pretty patient so yea im not too bumbed out.
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mm thats good .thats the same thing that happened when i was getting my Xbox 1 ...i would NOT be able to look at a wii packaging without opening it though haha... yeh atleast you got it
i know like its right next to me (in my closet for now, and tomorrow it will be moved in my garage locked door) but hey i got to open it so i registered it at along with Zelda. so yea, its all good. only thing i gotta look out for now is spoilers cause i dont wanna ruin the surprise.
Sonic(Genesis): 7.0
Super Mario 64(N64): 8.0
Red Steel: 8.5
GT Pro Series: 7.5
zelda(haven't opened)
Wii Sports(haven't opened)
has anyone played need for speed yet? whats it like? havent seen any reviews of it yet?
ZeLdA4LiFe said:
ha funny you should say that. even though i got it, its a "christmas present" sucks huh?? lol. so yea, i cant play it till december 25.

yeah i got mine too but i gotta wait till christmas too! :mad2:

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