I don't know if this will be helpful at all or be deleted within the first few minutes but I think it would help people that have not kept up with all the updates from the site and from other sources and other msc stuff about SSBB. Because if you think about it going through ALL of those at once updates would be tough, plus there are a lot of threads about old news.
Ok here goes
The official site of SSBB is smashbros.com (people have actually tried to post this as news
Release Date
The game was expected in Dec but was delayed for Feb, Japan gets theres in Jan
The cover was released, it looks lame and the ESRB rating was T
You can play it with a nunchuck and wiimote, gc controller, classic controller and 1 wiimote
The controls are completely customizable
New Characters
Sonic is in with
King dedede
Pokemon Trainer
Lucas (ness)
New Items
Smoke Ball- Creates smokescreens that are colorful
Smart Bomb- The bomb from Starfox 64 its cool
Assist Trophys- Like Pokeballs but with Nintendo Characters popping out instead
New Features
Final Smash-Appears as an item, hit it and you obtain your characters final smash attack, each character has there own unique attack.
You now have the option to change music tracks, each stage has 2-3 songs
SSBB is featuring online wi-fi
play with fcs and random
Spectator mode-you can watch games instead of playing
Screen settings
It features 16:9 widescreen as well as normal Screen
Misc Pics
The so called leaked roster pic is totally fake
SSBB was playable in LA a couple of months ago go to smashboards.com to hear some first hand accounts.
I don't know if this is gonna come across as totally useless or helpful for new guys but yeah here it is Please Sticky if you find this useful.
Ok here goes
The official site of SSBB is smashbros.com (people have actually tried to post this as news
Release Date
The game was expected in Dec but was delayed for Feb, Japan gets theres in Jan
The cover was released, it looks lame and the ESRB rating was T
You can play it with a nunchuck and wiimote, gc controller, classic controller and 1 wiimote
The controls are completely customizable
New Characters
Sonic is in with
King dedede
Pokemon Trainer
Lucas (ness)
New Items
Smoke Ball- Creates smokescreens that are colorful
Smart Bomb- The bomb from Starfox 64 its cool
Assist Trophys- Like Pokeballs but with Nintendo Characters popping out instead
New Features
Final Smash-Appears as an item, hit it and you obtain your characters final smash attack, each character has there own unique attack.
You now have the option to change music tracks, each stage has 2-3 songs
SSBB is featuring online wi-fi
play with fcs and random
Spectator mode-you can watch games instead of playing
Screen settings
It features 16:9 widescreen as well as normal Screen
Misc Pics
The so called leaked roster pic is totally fake
SSBB was playable in LA a couple of months ago go to smashboards.com to hear some first hand accounts.
I don't know if this is gonna come across as totally useless or helpful for new guys but yeah here it is Please Sticky if you find this useful.
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