The GoodNews for Wiiless people[North America]


Fo-Weva Pink!
Sep 18, 2006
In The Real World
Nintendo to bring 2 million Wiis to U.S. by year’s end

A portion of a CNET article…

Nintendo will bring approximately 2 million Wii game consoles to the U.S. by the end of the year, a wave of machines that could help the company gain ground in the console wars.

All 2 million aren’t in the U.S. right now. However, Nintendo plans to restock U.S. distributors and retailers on a weekly basis, according to the company. The console will next launch in Japan on December 2 and in Europe on December 8. Earlier this month, Nintendo said it would ship around 400,000 consoles into Japan this year.

In all, 4 million will ship this year.

Of the three console makers, Nintendo so far seems to have done the most thorough job in getting retailers and distributors stocked. The $250 Wii console, which went on sale over the weekend, was available in several retail outlets. Some early buyers are selling consoles on eBay, but generally current bidding is in the $300 to $400 range with games and extras.

Go Nintendo » Blog Archive » Nintendo to bring 2 million Wiis to U.S. by year’s end- What are you waiting for?

This might mean that Canada would get around 1.5 million?? Or maybe less... I think this is also confirmed?? But great news :)
Unlikely that Canada would get that many. The number distributed to each country is proportional to its population. Canada has around 33 million people and the US has over 300 million....if Canada has around 1/10 of the population the US has, I don't think they would be getting 3/4 the number of consoles the US is getting.

Sorry to burst your bubble.
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