I've received my Wii U unit and I'm loving everything about it, but what about its furture that is to come? We're all aware that the next Playstation and XBOX will be coming soon (perhaps over a year) and I've been wondering if these consoles will be a significant leap of hardware from their successors. I've thought about and I truly doubt it, however they will be superior. The reason why I assume this, is that more the powerful the console is, the more it will cost. Our economy is damaged and hardly anyone will pay $500-700 per unit for an XBOX or Playstation. Do you think they will have a significant leap or not? Do you think the Wii U's software lineup is in danger, regardless if these new consoles will be significantly strong or not? I honestly believe the Wii U won't be much weaker to its future competitors and that it will have plenty of third party support after these consoles are released, but that's my opinion.

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