the first wii zelda game.


WiiChat Member
Nov 21, 2006
hi, i have been thinking that seeing as twilight princess was really a gamecube game, that means the wii has yet to have had an offical zelda game, so this is to see what you mihgt like in the next one and when you think it will come out and so on. i will start off by saying i want them to pust the graphics of the wii but keep the zelda feel and also they should have a bigger map.
I hope it has new items, and not just rehashes of old items, like a hookshot instead of clawshot. come on! although i did thoroughly love twilight princess. i do believe the graphics will be stellar.
part of me wants it in an entirely different world, like hyrule 2000 years in the future but then it might be like metroid. i dunno. it's a tough one.
Zelda Twilight Princess was originally being developed for the GC, but it was launched on the Wii and Game Cube.

It is an 'official Wii Zelda game'

It just took so long to make they put it on the newest console.
the future hyrule could work and there wouldnt have to be guns... like say hyrule was really built up in the future you still have your gorons, and the elvs and the hylians but have it as some sort of post war where it knocks them back several thousand years and the hero "link" will have to find the master sword and do his "quest" to expel the evil from hyrule... lose gannon or keep him in it either way would work. just pulled that out of my head in like 2mins but im sure it could work and be even better than that.
If it's going to be Hyrule in the future, why not make an entire new series?
i think hyrule should stay in its current form. the zelda series are already wonderful and masturfully created. there's nothing like walking link around towns located in hyrule field, with the countryside feel to it with its beautiful landmarks, clear blue skies and lakes that take you all around. if nintendo were to change the scenery, i personally would be disappointed, only because it's worked for so long and shows no sign of slowing down. you know what they say: if it ain't broke, don't fix it.
I think an online multi player co op thing would be fun in Zelda (not like an mmo please not another mmo) but a thing where all us wiichat people could get together and quest i think it would be fun. You would keep your items but if your friends was temple ahead you could item share to get through the temple. idk, just throwing that out ther.
darn. i wanted an oot, or more spesifically a mm sequel. i hate cliffhangers. maybe hyrule could be in war when link came back, and you had masks again, but lost all but one, and your ocarina. BAM! thats money out of my pocket!
Yeah that would be awesome lets say for some reason links wolf form and human form seperated and they have to work together to make them be one again,it could be multiplayer,they can ganondarf seperated him (or he just died cause in twilight he dies)and hell mabye even through the skullkid back in there.:idea:

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