The clan advertising thread

Clan Name: Stands To Reason

Game: CoD:mwr

contact details:

details: since school started some members have been lost but we still have good ppl and less than 10 members that are beasts are beter than like 30 n00bs sojoin today!
Clan Name: Legendary Snipers
Games: CoD Reflex and black ops
Friend codes/Contact Details: visit my social group or p.m me
Console: Wii
Requirements: Kdr of .85 or up, level 35 or higher, and must be active.
Other Information: I will try to arrange a clan war once a week on a saturday.
join uNK

Clan name - uNK
Game(s) - call of duty mwr
Friend code/Contact details -come to
Console - wii
Other info you feel needs to be known - we were a realy good mwr clan , we had **** loads of members , and all preaty good , but something happend , i dont no realy , i went to fiji for 2 weeks came back and everyone had left :S .. so im asking . pls join or some check us out .. im re building us and i need your help , im hoping black ops will be the turning point for us , we still have 5 to 10 good members but we need more so please come check us out ,
thanks :) uNK~Josh 10th prestige baby :p
Clan name - Bravo Company (yes, the real BC).

Game(s) - All Call of Duty games.

Friend code/Contact details - Look under the chat for details.

Console - Wii

Other info you feel needs to be known - #1 Wii clan since December 2007. Google #1 Wii Clans and BC is the 1st option. See you soon.
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Clan Name-United & Victorious(U&V)
Game-Call of Duty Modern Warfare Reflex
Friend Codes-Available under our chat after u register-Mine is 0877-3212-9990 clan website-


Other info-If you want to join a good clan and play with Elite players U&V(United and Victorious) is the place for you

Come do a tryout for us

No drama good players good clan people always in the chat and online know how to have fun and still kill

Send me a message if you are interested and/or stop by the site regardless!!

Im a MOD at United and Victorious and will help you out just come check out the site

U&V~BlaZe 10th Stege lvl 55 WOOT WOOT
DE CLAN for mwr and black ops [11-09-10]

Clan name - DEATH*ENTERPRISES Game(s) - COD (MWR,& OPS WHEN ITS OUT) Friend code-2767-4514-6532/Contact details-email Friend codes preferred
Join by talking to me or signing up Console - WII
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Scarred Delta

Clan name: Scarred Delta
Games: Modern Warfare and Black Ops
Friend Code: Will be released if you email me
Console: Wii at the moment. Is open to other systems
I am the leader of this clan. Im 1st prestige in modern warfare but not black ops.
This was a disbanded clan, but im building it up again.
Please private message me or email me if you have questions or you want to join.
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