The Catch-Up Thread


Game Wiizard
Feb 7, 2007
Wii Online Code
I made this thread for anyone who would like to play a game but not play the prequels and doesn't want to not know the story line so I put some of the games I think people will want to know, so give me any information you have and please no copy and pasting a wiki page I could do that anything you can think of just post it:

Prince of Persia
The Prince of Persia discovers the dagger of time and goes on a journey to save the princess. Sounds an awfully lot like an egyptian version of Zelda.

Legend of Zelda

Final Fantasy

Dragon Quest

Fire Emblem

Battalion Wars
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WiiZero said:
give me any information you have and please no copy and pasting a wiki page I could do that

So why not just wiki the game instead of making a new thread for unorganized spoilers?
I believe the PoP games always has a different story. I only played the first one for PS2 and in that one you had to find the dagger of time and save this princess. But in the two or twin thrones(forgot the name) I believe he turns into an evil prince at times. But maybe the storylines are connected?
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bugmenot said:
So why not just wiki the game instead of making a new thread for unorganized spoilers?

Because I have read some wiki's and they aren't very helpful

Okay remember to put it in a spoiler
Actually you're wrong. Wikipedia is really good at detailing the history of PoP and Fire Emblem. And if anyone wants to find out more about these games they should go look on Google...there are countless websites devoted to each series that would give far bettter information than one stupid little thread.
E-Roc2010 said:
I believe the PoP games always has a different story. I only played the first one for PS2 and in that one you had to find the dagger of time and save this princess. But in the two or twin thrones(forgot the name) I believe he turns into an evil prince at times. But maybe the storylines are connected?

the first one was auful!

the second one was brilliant - basically the main mission is to kill the dahaka ( it has a two way ending ) i wont spoil it for people who want it

the thrid one was great too! - the prince gets corrupted by the sands and sometimes turns into the dark prince ( eventually you kill the veseer ) ( the guy controlling the sands ) i wont spoil it again too
the first one was very fun to me because it was the first one I played plus I liked the puzzles
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Could you spoil it in a warning so that I could put it on the first post

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