thats not fair


Joined the dark side
Mar 8, 2007
i recently watched this video


and i wanted to buy pokemon to see how it good it is with online

but you have to have a ds and the game pearl or the other one to play

wats up with that
you don't have them to play - it is like the pokemon stadium games. (exactly like them.) you can rent pokemon but it is best if you have one of the DS games so you can play with your own ones - which will be better.
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Shaded Spriter said:
you don't have them to play - it is like the pokemon stadium games. (exactly like them.) you can rent pokemon but it is best if you have one of the DS games so you can play with your own ones - which will be better.

thats what i mean so theirs no point in getting it if you don't have the ds or ds game
I find this more as an introduction to the connect 24 rather then an actual game. For instance wii sports was the first wii game and demo game. Pokemon will be the first wii connect 24 game and demo game. Maybe they will come out with a different 1 later. I don't think this one is worth it since it will turn out sloppy since connect 24 is new
con77 said:
thats what i mean so theirs no point in getting it if you don't have the ds or ds game

not really a lot of point getting it if you do........
the DS will go online and allow you to battle across the world......

see what i'm saying?

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