Tenkachi 3 wait?


WiiChat Member
Apr 13, 2007
East Sussex, UK
Wii Online Code
I've got a bit of money and since I have been neglecting my Wii lately I thought it was about time I got a new game or two. One of the games I've heard good stuff about and I've been wanting to get for quite a while now is Dragon Ball Z: Budokai Tenkaichi 2. But having left it this late I was wondering should I just wait for number 3? Then again, I have been thinking that it comes out in december and I'd rather be playing one now. So post away and thanks in advance, wait or buy now?
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Thanks very much for the advice guys, I'll probably do as you say and leave it. I'm gonna have to get some really good games to keep my mind of it though! :p Thanks again.
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Evolve82 said:
There are some out there! What have you got already?
Wii Sports and Play, WarioWare, Twilight Princess and Mario Strikers. I'm thinking of getting Red Steel but I'm not sure and Splinter Cell although I initially read bad reviews it seems that many people liked it quite a lot, and the other bonus is it is only £15 off of play.com! :lol: To be honest, one of the reasons I was debating waiting on DBZ in the first palce beacuse it was only £17 on the internet. And considering I've got about 50 to spend it seemed like a good buy.
Yeah, definitely wait for 3. It's supposed to have better controls, (none of that sensor bar crap) more maps, characters, and moves. A non-anime story line and of course, online.
It will have more stages, and include day and night versions of every stage. It's adding more charactars, (roughly twenty), and is adding improved controls (Also adding more combos and moves you can pull off) and updating there blast attacks.

New confirmed charactars:
King Vegeta
King Cold
Future Gohan
GT Kid Goku
Nuova Shenron

Obviously it will have online as everyone said. Hopefully it has an improved story mode. The gameplay is also supposed to be a little faster.

I'd wait a little bit. It's looking much better than two right now, so just hold on tight for a little bit!
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Thanks very much! Having read all that info it certainly sounds like it's worth waiting. I didn't really know how much they were adding other than online.
yeah i would go with what these guys said. wait for the 3rd one. the 2nd was brilliant so im expectin the 3rd one to be even better. so i would just wait. maybe while your waitin try goin online with mario strikers. by the sounds of it you have a few games to keep you occupied for a while!
i have tenkiachi 2, and i kick seroius ass. with a character with all 1 stats i can easily go back and beat story mode. since tenkiachi will have online, i suggest getting the second for practice, because gameplay mechanic will basiclly be the same. But if somebody does get #3, i can beat'm hehe, this is a game im good at.
though I haven't got to play it but the dragonball Z 2 really sucks especially the controls. But they've made a lot of improvement on 3 as I heard..
In 2, they used sensor bar to detect motions, but the 3 uses something inside Wiimote.

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