Tatsunoko VS Capcom Arcade FightStick


An ancient one, banner of over a thousand acunts
Staff member
May 30, 2006
Super Mancyland
Wii Online Code
Fighting games need a good stick or pad.
In this case its a stick.
Joysticks are a bit hit and miss really some people swear by them some people hate them and some people (Like me) are undecided.
There great for arcade games not so good for others (FPS anyone?).
But in joystick makes you need someting that begs for you to make it your *****, the type of thing that takes a beating worse than a jobber when hes up against somebody thats known (Great Kailis last match anyone?), or the type of thing that you can fling at a brick wall and the wall ends up broken (that would be hard) the type of thing tha...............I getting off point here.
So I bring to those of you wanting to play some arcade games as there meant to be played the latest product from Mad Katz.
The Tatsunoko VS. Capcom Arcade FightStick
(artwork can be changed)
They made things like this for last years Street Fighter 4 and they sold out faster than Greggs pastys when there on offer.
Product Features:
  • Tatsunoko VS. Capcom Artwork
  • Japanese-style joystick & buttons
  • 8-button layout with additional multi-speed Turbo functionality
  • Genuine arcade layout
  • Connects to Wii Remote
  • Works with Wii Fighting games and Virtual Console titles (Note may not work with Brawl)

Ok the only new thing there is the art work

They are available to pre-order from GameSharks store, but at $79.99 there not cheap, but when it comes to joysticks you get what you pay for.

Anybody gona be getting one of these?
Its unlikely as I have a X-Arcade stick wired up to my arcade cab and it will cost less to get the Wii converter+decent VGA cable to play it.
thats looks a little small for a joystiq i dont like the big ball type so i'll pass & wait for one of those longer ones but the scheme looks real nice
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thats looks a little small for a joystiq i dont like the big ball type so i'll pass & wait for one of those longer ones but the scheme looks real nice

These type of sticks tend to be customisable.
Ball top ones (sanwa mostly) tend to be a little better for fighting games as you will be pulling off them fireball motions a lot and I have found that the other type starts to hurt after a few hours play
Fighting games need a good stick or pad.
In this case its a stick.
Joysticks are a bit hit and miss really some people swear by them some people hate them and some people (Like me) are undecided.
There great for arcade games not so good for others (FPS anyone?).
But in joystick makes you need someting that begs for you to make it your *****, the type of thing that takes a beating worse than a jobber when hes up against somebody thats known (Great Kailis last match anyone?), or the type of thing that you can fling at a brick wall and the wall ends up broken (that would be hard) the type of thing tha...............I getting off point here.
So I bring to those of you wanting to play some arcade games as there meant to be played the latest product from Mad Katz.
The Tatsunoko VS. Capcom Arcade FightStick
(artwork can be changed)
They made things like this for last years Street Fighter 4 and they sold out faster than Greggs pastys when there on offer.
Product Features:
  • Tatsunoko VS. Capcom Artwork
  • Japanese-style joystick & buttons
  • 8-button layout with additional multi-speed Turbo functionality
  • Genuine arcade layout
  • Connects to Wii Remote
  • Works with Wii Fighting games and Virtual Console titles (Note may not work with Brawl)

Ok the only new thing there is the art work

They are available to pre-order from GameSharks store, but at $79.99 there not cheap, but when it comes to joysticks you get what you pay for.

Anybody gona be getting one of these?
Its unlikely as I have a X-Arcade stick wired up to my arcade cab and it will cost less to get the Wii converter+decent VGA cable to play it.

I have one of those but its just white and thats all. No design, just a blank thing, like every wii controll.:).....I wont just get this because of the god damn design, waste of my money. And ¡ts $79?..i got mine for $50. So 29 dollars for a design..people these days.
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I have one of those but its just white and thats all. No design, just a blank thing, like every wii controll.:).....I wont just get this because of the god damn design, waste of my money. And ¡ts $79?..i got mine for $50. So 29 dollars for a design..people these days.

Witch one is it?
I have seen a few decals that can be put on some sticks
(some people make there own)
Dprinny:These type of sticks tend to be customisable.

if thats the case i might pre order one. i palm grip joysticks rather than finger tip grip it
I have one of those but its just white and thats all. No design, just a blank thing, like every wii controll.:).....I wont just get this because of the god damn design, waste of my money. And ¡ts $79?..i got mine for $50. So 29 dollars for a design..people these days.

Witch one is it?
I have seen a few decals that can be put on some sticks
(some people make there own)
There ya go. I got it in new york, nintendo world.
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Dprinny:These type of sticks tend to be customisable.

if thats the case i might pre order one. i palm grip joysticks rather than finger tip grip it
Heres one mod or a 360 one

There are a few guides floating round on how to mod the older ones.
Wait till it out
There ya go. I got it in new york, nintendo world.
Get ya paints out
fighting games need a good stick or pad.
In this case its a stick.
Joysticks are a bit hit and miss really some people swear by them some people hate them and some people (like me) are undecided.
There great for arcade games not so good for others (fps anyone?).
But in joystick makes you need someting that begs for you to make it your *****, the type of thing that takes a beating worse than a jobber when hes up against somebody thats known (great kailis last match anyone?), or the type of thing that you can fling at a brick wall and the wall ends up broken (that would be hard) the type of thing tha...............i getting off point here.
So i bring to those of you wanting to play some arcade games as there meant to be played the latest product from mad katz.
The tatsunoko vs. Capcom arcade fightstick
(artwork can be changed)
they made things like this for last years street fighter 4 and they sold out faster than greggs pastys when there on offer.

product features:
  • tatsunoko vs. Capcom artwork
  • japanese-style joystick & buttons
  • 8-button layout with additional multi-speed turbo functionality
  • genuine arcade layout
  • connects to wii remote
  • works with wii fighting games and virtual console titles (note may not work with brawl)
ok the only new thing there is the art work

they are available to pre-order from gamesharks store, but at $79.99 there not cheap, but when it comes to joysticks you get what you pay for.

Anybody gona be getting one of these?
Its unlikely as i have a x-arcade stick wired up to my arcade cab and it will cost less to get the wii converter+decent vga cable to play it.

i must have it !!!!!!!!!

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