Taking proper care of the Wii


semi-pro thumb jockey
May 13, 2007
Wii Online Code
A couple of quick questions. 1 Is there a proper way to disconnect the wii? It didn't say anything about that in the manual. (I think) 2 It does say in the manual that you should take any disc out before shutting down why is this so important?
I unplug if I'm not going to use for a while, or just leave on standby. I also leave the discs in.
To safely disconnect from the wall, just power down and unplug it after a few seconds and to safely disconnect from internet, go to wii internet settings and hit "clear settings".
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Oh. I just remember there is a certain order for how you unplug the cords for a ps2 - I thought the Wii might be similar.

I guess a lot of people leave discs in their Wiis ... I still don't know what the dilly on that is.
Sometimes if your Wii is placed horizontilly and you play games or keep the disc in it does get scratched. (So I've heard, mine is in the vertcial position, so i'm not positive)
I believe they are just recommending that you take it out I suppose. Consider that something goes wrong with your Wii and it is impossible to turn it back on. Then you'll lose a perfectly good game and if you want it fixed, you'd have to send the Wii to Nintendo with the game inside.

Complete assumption but it sounds logical...
uhmm... i always take my disk out when turning it off ...as far as i know u cant turn the wii completely off... it doesnt pull that much power when on stand by mode.

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