Super smash Bros and Metroid


WiiChat Member
Apr 6, 2007
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So I dont know if there is already a thread about this, i searched and didnt find one. So according to website both metroid and supersmash bros is available to preorder. The expect supersmash bros to come out november 30 and metroid dec 31. I cant wait
Really? Wow, I haven't been able to find anything on the release date besides 2007. Are you serious?
lolz well it would make sense because of the GMA thing
YES! Yea ah-hu yes ahhhh ................................. Gma? sry if I just said somthing realy stupid.
Valley said:
Really? Wow, I haven't been able to find anything on the release date besides 2007. Are you serious?
They're both coming out towards the end of the year, these are just guesses. No big deal realy, even if they are accepting pre-orders.
its good they finally have a date but im now in a great depression because ive always loved his game and prety much the whole reason i bought a wii is to play these to games. Oh well now i cant wait for the releases thx for the info dude.
hound9812 said:
So I dont know if there is already a thread about this, i searched and didnt find one. So according to website both metroid and supersmash bros is available to preorder. The expect supersmash bros to come out november 30 and metroid dec 31. I cant wait

i find that bad news if anything. we knew they were coming out in 2007, so basically they're releasing them as late as possible....
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Yea i guess it is a bad thikng its coming out so late but at least its better than coming out in 2008 like some people were saying
I just see it as they are putting all they can into making the game so it will be the best it can I don't mind waiting;)
I think that Nintendo knows that SSBB and Metriod are going to be the Wii's super-duper selling games.

So I bet they're buffing up online play, as to not rely on friend codes.

Oh if SSBB's and Metriod's online play succeed...

I think I'll need to buy some Wiis before SSBB comes out :idea:
'Cause you know prices are going to skyrocket if SSBB is good.
If that's the cse, then Nintendo is practically releasing it in 2008! Technically 12/31/07 is still in 2007, nice wordplay Nintendo! I getting wooried because the longer Nintendo takes, the more expectations I have for this game. If these are supposed to be the definitive first generation games, then Nintendo better make them flawless. BTW, if Gran Turismo 4 could run in 1080i, then why can't the Wii do that? I'm just hoping that Nintendo surprises us with Metroid in 720p...hopefully.:yesnod:
as long as nintendo take thier time with these games and don't rush it because of all the fanboys saying "gimme gimme" everything will be perfect.

nuff said

^haha spider man 3

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