Super Monkey Ball BB


Wii Fanatic
Dec 31, 2006
Wii Online Code
The wife ,and i went out to Wal*Mart today intending on grabbing either Driver, or a new game for DS. Although as usual my local Wal*Mart's selection was poor. They didn't have Driver ,and the DS games i wanted they didn't have except for all platformers which i wasn't really wanting for DS right now (mainly was hunting down Brothers in Arms) Anywho we found they had a few copies of SMB:BB sitting in the case without a price. She asked the lady how much it was ,and she told us how much then wife goes lets get it. I kept thinking i'm probably gonna end up trading this in its probably gonna suck. Now considering i never played SMB on the cube i wasn't really expecting anything ,but sucking. When i played thru the first world ,and a few mini games i was really happy with it. I was pleasantly surprised on how much i enjoyed myself with it. A great addition to my Wii/Cube library.
yeah it's pretty sweet, i only bought it cause they didn't have warioware on the shelves, but i had fun playing it, it gets pretty hard though

during the pirate world

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haven't got that far yet don't spoil it lol. The only problem i have is the boss battles are little akward although still fun. I was expecting to hold the wiimote in the position i ended up holding it. I was expecting the classic style. i also really enjoyed the space shooter mini game it gives me a good idea of what a 3d vertical scrolling shooter could be like on wii. It seems a lot of people buy this game as an " oh blank game isn't in lets get this instead" then we turn out surprised.

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