Super mario


\\Slash Bros.//
Jul 25, 2007
Wii Online Code
I have a question on Super mario From super nintendo i downloaded the gae but how do i save after i beat a stage lol?
i downloaded it too. i dont think you can, its one of them games which you shouldnt save, you gotta try and beat it in one sitting until your eyes bleed
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well if u cant save i kno a diffrent way lol u have to beat a ghost stage or a castle
On the wii, there are these things called "suspending points" or something like that. It is basically a save point on a virtual console game that you play on the wii, and they can be created at anytime during a virtual console game. To create one, play any virtual console game, and when you want to save the game and quit, just press the home button on the wii mote, and select "wii menu". This automatically creates a suspending point. In other words, it saves the game. So next time you select that virtual console to play, you will leave off exactly where you were last time when you went back to the wii's main menu. If you still dont understand my instructions, refer to the operation's manual of the virtual console you're played. To get there, play the virtual console, press the home button on the wiimote, and select "operation's manual".

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