Super Mario Bros 3 confirmed!


WiiChat Member
Feb 4, 2007
San Francisco, CA
Wii Online Code
Hey guys.. found something cool and i dunno if its true or not but they say we gonna get this game tomorrow... for more info, check out the link below and theres a video too that talks about that we gonna get this game for the VC... i hope we do... reply comments and etc.
I was just about to post a topic like this :D
I've heard it from other places as well, so it's pretty much confirmed :D
Gives me something to look forward to :)
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Yeah i know and finally... i cant wait now, so excited to download this game and play it, hahaha.
Definitely my favorite mario game. SMB3 was the first game I ever played, first game I beat, and I still play it from time to time :lol:
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Yeah its my favorite game too from all the other super mario bros series as well.... so tomorrow around after 9am it will be available for the download and playing time.

Wow, SMB 3 is finally here, and you even get Alien Soldier as well? That is officially awesome.

P.S.- I hope Mario Galaxy doesn't feature Mario speaking long sentences.
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Only 9 more hrs to go till it hits around 9am and be ready to download the SMB3 game!!
I woke up early for a Flu shot. It would certainly make my day. Many people argue Super Mario Brothers 3 is the best NES game ever made, and one of the best selling games of all time. It sold more copies than the entire MGS series, Resident Evil series, and possibly the entire Final Fantasy series. SMB 3 has sold over 33 million copies world wide. When compared to modern games like Halo 3's 5 million, Mario 3 blows even modern games away in sales.

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