Super Mario Bros 3 / 4


WiiChat Member
Jan 30, 2007
Hi, I've looked all over the web and can't find a thing about the release dates for virtual games. Does anyone know when they will be releasing Super Mario 3 / 4 on virtual in Australia.

Thanks :)
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Thanks Napalmbrain, I meant Super Mario 3 with Mario in the racoon cape outfit on the front cover. I couldn't remember if it was 4 or 3 but must be 3.
I have Super Mario World but its not the one I'm after. I hope Super Mario 3 comes out though, fingers crossed.

Thanks for your help :)
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I agree I agree I agree, I cant wait either but I bet it will coincide with the Super Mario Galaxy since it was such a huge hit back in the day. I can still remember the commercial with everyone in different color shirts then it pans out and makes the video game cover, oh the memories
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We should all write to Nintendo and demand more Super Mario releases! or we'll all go on a 'Wii strike' :yesnod: well maybe just threat that we will but I don't think I could go without my Wii for too long. Also thought I would ask why you have 'Where this milk' as your signature?

Wishing for more Mario games in our dreams ...
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This brings up another topic (relevant)...

Are they going to give us Super Mario Bros. All Stars + World? I really doubt that. And if they did, they'd charge it a lot of points.
If they give us Super Mario Bros. 3, will they give us the NES version, or the SNES newer, better looking version?
Will they give us Super Mario Bros. for SNES from All Stars. I doubt that, too.

It would be nice though. I remember playing All Stars + World A LOT.
would LOVE to see mario 3 on VC!!!!!

i basically grew up playing this game day in and day out, mario 2 would be cool as well but nothing tops the 3rd one, im playing super mario world alot as it is, kind of similar but its just not like the racoon days
i bet super mario all stars comes out 6 months or so after all the games on it have been released and charge the normal 800 points for it because they know everyone is going to buy the mario games the second they can get to the VC to buy them but thats just my thought.

I agree super mario kart would be very nice to wake up on a monday and see

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