Sup everyone!


WiiChat Member
Dec 19, 2007
Wii Online Code
Hey, what's up everyone. I just wanted to introduce myself to you all. I just found this site and already i feel drawn to come back to it frequently. Hope to get tons of friend codes and suggestions on which games to get next.
Hey welcome to the forum Bokwai. Hope you enjoy your stay here at WiiChat. :)
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  • #6
Hey, guys thanks for replying to my post. I have added all of you that replied. I hope you guys add me as well. I am new to this so I am not to sure how it works, but i did post my friend code. Thanks.
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  • #9
Thanks wario2000. Hey this might be a stupid question but what are the numbers or codes you posted after say: guitar hero and strikers and so forth? Oh, and hey I did try to pm you but i don't know if there is some type of posting minimum that doesn't allow you to pm people .

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