Sunday sale for anyone still wiiless

The Zealot

The Room With a Moose!
Jan 3, 2007
Hobo 13
Wii Online Code
well, i dont kno if anyone has noticed this but

so it looks like they will all have WIIs on the 21st, but as for the times, im personally camping out, it may be cold in MN with leather seats too but at least that will keep the food in the truck cold heh. I think that most people will actually be there a few hours before opening so your best bet is to get there and wait it out. Some places may be cold but it doesnt look like target is handing out tickets. so park in the front and wait till u see a few people like up. and BB if people are planning to get up early for target they will prob be there at BB that early too. and CC so with this info that they are having the sales i wish ya all good luck :thumbsup:
Yeah, really looking forward to this being true. If it is, I'll have a Wii or two. Gonna get one for my friend if I can.
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ya, ive got bout 6 or 7 friends campin out wit me, hehe PS2 in a car all night w00t lol but at least it wont be a boring 6 to 9 hours

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