Suggested Game I would like to see, bump if you agree!


WiiChat Member
Jan 24, 2010
Ocala, FL
So, I've got the Wii Fit Plus and Balance board and some games to go along with it, some of the games are entertaining but I would like to see something more... a Fun Game to help lose weight with a Wi-Fi connection option so that I can challenge my friends (and they can challenge me) with weigh-ins and other competitions using our friend codes! Maybe a little Dance, Martial Arts, like I said Fun with a losing weight goal and friendly competition... Come on Nintendo Make a Game we can really use!:wiifit:
The game you're suggesting would be a little too specific, I don't think there are a lot of people willing to challenge you in losing weight; besides it was said recently, that the WiiFit doesn't make you thiner.

@MJ: I think you missed the point of the thread.
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Well maybe I was too specific with the dance and Martial Arts suggestion but really anything that is geared toward fitness and has the wi-fi option. I was actually really surprised that the "Biggest Loser" game didn't have this I have friends who gave me their friend codes who were ready to do weigh-ins from our Wii-Fit plus game then bummed when we found out that it doesn't have a wi-fi option (and I read and understand a little better now- I hope- how that function works) really if you do any exercise at least 30 mins a day you should lose weight

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