Subs or dubs

Major Tom

Uss Clan *****
Jan 5, 2007
The Command Cluster
Wii Online Code
List which animes you like dubbed and which ones you like subbed.

Bleach Dubbed [better pronounciation]
Eureka Seven Dubbed [same as above]
Ranma 1/2 subbed [bad voice acting in english]
Full Metal Alchemist dubbed [it just sounds better]
Naruto Dubbed [voice acting may be bad but they actually explain more in the English version]
I couldn't agree less. Americanised dubs are horrible - allways have been, allways will be.
I have heard that the Hellsing Dub is actually quite good because they got English people to do the dub.

I have never watched the dub of Ranma..maybe I should to see how bad it is.
I like Sub and Dubbed Animes.

For exampe, I prefer Subbed Chobits, but Dubbed Onegai Twins.
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Look up Ranma english on Youtube. Past season 4 the dub is actualy O.K. Richard Ian Cox [InuYasha] plays Ranma. But I still like subbed better. Exept the principal his japanese sounds nasty [A hawaiian Japanese accent:shocked:]
Now you see, that's where I definitely can not agree major tom - the FMA dub was awfull in every way. They completely sucked the soul out of the show. And they sucked the soul out of the characters. Especially al. The voices were terribly chosen. They simply made zero effort to match APPROPRIATE voice actors to the parts. You can tell by the way directors had parts - they really didn't care about maintaining the shows integrity, as highlighted by the back stage making of shows they did interviewing the american voice actors - they fully made out it was entirely their own product in some of those! Was disgracefull. Not the worst there has been, granted, and at least here in Australia we got our DVD's uncut (mwahaha!) but the dub was totally unwatchable - especially to those of us who had allready watched the sub and read the manga. (shudders with the memory)
i dont like anything dubbed. dubbed english voices always seem so boring and doesnt bring out the characters.
I prefer dub to sub, unless it's really bad.

It's just better as an english speaking person to watch Cowboy Bebop dubbed rather than it subbed. Please, not all dubs suck and sometimes they can be better than the subs.
Bleach: Kinda hard to decide, aside from a few characters the voices sound almost the same.
FMA: Dubbed
Death Note: Subbed, no english yet lol
Naruto: Hate this one so dubbed.
Is there even an argument here? Subs are by far more superior to the dub version. Unless its some crap speed subs. In addition dub's are usually edited for American viewers to use less colorful language and lets not forget translation inaccuracies. I don't know about you but I like my anime RAW (+subs).

Not to mention you can learn a new language if you watch enough anime subs. Do yourself a favor...

En4Neo said:
I prefer dub to sub, unless it's really bad.
It's just better as an english speaking person to watch Cowboy Bebop dubbed rather than it subbed. Please, not all dubs suck and sometimes they can be better than the subs.

Most dubs are bad.... I agree that not all dubs suck, but I think you are falling under the "I heard the English voice actor first, now I can't switch" category. I'm English speaking and I enjoyed the Cowboy Bebop subs long ago.

It's my personal assumption that generally most casual American anime watching fans usually prefer the dubs. While hardcore America anime junkies will watch more subs and actually realize over time they are just as good, if not superior. Naturally without the long wait for licensing and redistribution overseas. I could explain more but this isn't a blog post. ;)
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