street fighter 2 for vc

nizmoboy98 said:
out for japan vc ?...sorry if someone already posted this but on this site there is some things to watch like switching regions to get different vc games but it says it doesnt work for japan and northamerica consoles lol

So what your saying is even though you knew there is no way for us to change our region to get this game, and it has already been posted before that it is out in japan you where so desperate for attention you made yet another pointless thread to add to the pile? Kudos :eek:ut:
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3mpathy said:
So what your saying is even though you knew there is no way for us to change our region to get this game, and it has already been posted before that it is out in japan you where so desperate for attention you made yet another pointless thread to add to the pile? Kudos :eek:ut:

as i said on my post i was sorry if someone already posted it and you to wanted attention for being a low life flamer what other thread have i made that was pointless sorry little kid for pissing you off ill give a snack so you can watch some cartoons on cartoon channel

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