Stop Stress: A Day of Fury Announced for WiiWare-1.052009-11-02 19:13:48Maura SAbylight has today announced the forthcoming release of Stop Stress: A Day of Fury on WiiWare in North America and Europe. “Stop Stress: A Day of Fury is the perfect antidote for the modern, city-living stressed-out gamer,” said Ignacio Garcia Gonzalez, producer at Abylight. “You will experience the highs and lows of a manic world as you will constantly move onto the next crazy encounter to see what traumatic event unfolds next.”
In the game you play as Jack, a stressed-out wreck of a man by all accounts, who seems to constantly live his life through a red-mist tinged haze of fury, judging by the screenshots below. Jack’s ultimate goal in life is to escape the city rat race and live out the rest of his days in a Zen-like state of calm. Good luck with that buddy.
As hapless Jack attempts to leave the city, all manner of obstacles are placed in his path, including killer toasters, baby gorillas, and crazy cops. To get them out of his face, Jack has an interesting array of weapons including a slipper and a giant baseball bat. To progress to the next level you simply have to destroy everything you can get your hands on. Unsurprisingly, Stop Stress: A Day of Fury is rated T for Teen (animated blood, mild suggestive themes, violence) by the ESRB, and rated +12 by PEGI. It will be available soon at a price of 800 Wii Points. To learn more about the game, check out http://www.stopstressthegame.com