Star Wars Complete Saga Remote Problems


WiiChat Member
Mar 19, 2008
I have a problem that with my #1 remote when playing Star Wars. When I'm a Jedi and push the 'A' button to jump, all the Jedi will do is swing it's light saber and not jump. When I use other characters with the #1 remote and push the 'A' button to jump, it works fine. The Jedi will work fine if I use the #2 remote. I have reset the remote and changed the batteries but I still have the problem. So far, no one at Lucas Arts has been able to help.
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Update Question

Well I just bought Smackdown 2008 and while using the #1 controller, it will let me go through the menus but when I begin to play the game, the controller will not function. The nunchuck will work and controller #2 works fine. I have a repair order started through Nintendo but I was wondering if there is anything else I can try, instead of, having to wait a month.

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