SSX - Blur...The trouble with


Moody Loner
Dec 26, 2006
Wii Online Code
Well I know it's been out a while and I've had it from the start but does anyone else think that this is a broken game - not the controls they are good, not the graphics they are fine [too much light flare at times] - it's the heart of the game , the ambiance mainly but the track design is weird as well.

I'll start with the feel of the game - the characters have no...well, character - there is no trash talk, no speech at all - all the attributes are virtually identical and above all there is no incentive to play as any one character over another. Where is the soul of the game?

This follows the absolutely souless SSX:On Tour - man, I have been an SSX fan from the start - especially the GC incarnations and with On Tour they practically destroyed the series of all enjoyment.

Blur - doesn't quite fare that badly and the inclusion of previous tracks and the new cartoony look - it certainly has some great points - and I love the controls. It is enjoyable to play - apart from the Slalom?

But where is the party atmosphere - the different hip-hop, metal, dance tracks etc etc music that you do listen to when really boarding - I wouldn't throw myself down a real mountain with this soundtrack - again it's fairly lifeless. DJ Atomica is a welcome return as well but even then it's only a bit part.

Where are the replays? Huh?!?!

Last but not least are the tracks themselves - they've taken the terrible tracks from OnTour of course but more than that, the perspective of the graphics are weird - the tracks overwhelm the rider in the aspect ratio - when hurtling down peak 3 - all you seem to do is bounce around until you get down to the bottom, in SSX3 you rode down it!!

After all this I still love the series and love the new controls but for the next one can we have some of the Tricky courses and put some life back into the game please EA!!

Phew a bit of a rant there - seemingly for no reason at all :wtf:
Overall, I think SSX Blur is solid.
Now that you mention the lack of speech from the characters, it is a little disapointing that there isn't any muttering or screaming from them. I believe there is a bit of incentive to play one character over another; this is from their variation in stats. Actually, I think psymon and zoe have the best overall stats (9+ in each attribute) and I played them the most.

As with the different types of gameplay, I don't really like slalom, it's just not for me. I like all the trick events (half-pipe and slopestyle/big air) and race can be pretty fun.

I actually quite like the music, even got most of the songs from the soundtrack in my playlist now. :D

I agree with the replays, disappointing that they aren't in this game.

Overall, I'm pretty happy with this game.
I couldn't read the entire post because it's 9:45 in the morning and I'm twitching lol. It seems like an alright game, not one that I'd want to guy out and buy. How would you compare it to amped for regular Xbox? I loved that game.
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Riviet said:
Overall, I think SSX Blur is solid.
Now that you mention the lack of speech from the characters, it is a little disapointing that there isn't any muttering or screaming from them. I believe there is a bit of incentive to play one character over another; this is from their variation in stats. Actually, I think psymon and zoe have the best overall stats (9+ in each attribute) and I played them the most.

As with the different types of gameplay, I don't really like slalom, it's just not for me. I like all the trick events (half-pipe and slopestyle/big air) and race can be pretty fun.

I actually quite like the music, even got most of the songs from the soundtrack in my playlist now. :D

I agree with the replays, disappointing that they aren't in this game.

Overall, I'm pretty happy with this game.

All valid points - slalom :prrr: LOL But even with the attributes differing slightly it's not a massive change in the character model - Tricky and 3 had some life injected into who you played as. This is lacking.

I do really love the game [as much as I love your sig!!] but it's just lacking that spark which would keep you playing for hours and hours - I would rather play freeride than actually play the tournament etc... this isn't what the designers intended I'm sure!! Although the races are a lot tougher than the previous versions - which is a good thing!!

I can't even say it's rushed or unfinished - may some ideas aren't quite fleshed out enough - like the demo, roflmao - where, what??

How would you compare it to amped for regular Xbox?
I've only seen a demo of Amped and so the only thing I can compare is that the fluid animation in SSX pisses on Amped from a great height - anything else I can't say, sorry!

Although Steep Slope Sliders for the Saturn was the dogs nadgers as well!! :smilewinkgrin:
Rolex said:
I do really love the game [as much as I love your sig!!] but it's just lacking that spark which would keep you playing for hours and hours - I would rather play freeride than actually play the tournament etc... this isn't what the designers intended I'm sure!! Although the races are a lot tougher than the previous versions - which is a good thing!!
Hehe thanks, it was actually created by another WiiChat member (Wiired). :)

Yes, the races are tougher, especially Ruthless, I still can't manage to get gold on that although I haven't tried enough yet I think. What I do miss are the peak jams and the massive 3 peak jam; 20+ minutes of non-stop snowboarding, that was heaps of fun. Don't know why they didn't have it in this one. :(
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Riviet said:
Hehe thanks, it was actually created by another WiiChat member (Wiired). :)

Yes, the races are tougher, especially Ruthless, I still can't manage to get gold on that although I haven't tried enough yet I think. What I do miss are the peak jams and the massive 3 peak jam; 20+ minutes of non-stop snowboarding, that was heaps of fun. Don't know why they didn't have it in this one. :(

Yeah I do miss that - you can still freeride down all the peaks in one go but they are super short, as are most of the tracks - soon as you get going it's all where have I heard that before hmmm :smilewinkgrin: ahem....

It really does sound like I am tearing the game a new one - and if this were SSX:OnTour I would be BUT I am such a fan of this series that to be critical is just purely a sign of respect to the previous titles that were so great - Tricky and SSX 3 - I still play to death when I get chance and still love!!

I even took part in the EA BIG survey to see what gamers wanted in furture games and whilst most of that skipped OnTour - a lot of what I wanted is here - previous tracks and DJ Atomica being the main requests, although why Tricky courses aren't in there is a mystery!!

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