(SSBB) PKMN Trainer Trio: Which is Top PKMN?

Jigglypuff if used properly is probably one the toughest/strongest Op characters.
I love that brawl character xD People always talk **** to me over using jiggly <.<
I was playing brawl at this one place and the kids there were ridiculing and making fun of me for choosing Jiggly.
I three stock all of them
Jigglypuff if used properly is probably one the toughest/strongest Op characters.


Jiggles has never been overpowered. Very deadly if used properly (abusing rest, in a nutshell :p), but only in 64 and Melee. Poor Jiggles went like Falcon and got everything good about 'er nerfed to bloody hell.

... This is turning into a thread " about the Pokemon of Smash Bros.", though... PT discussion, pl0x?

Jiggles doesn't break the damn metagame like, say, Meta Knight. Obviously she's damn good, but I wouldn't go as far as to say overpowered.
I looked up "Overpowered" in the dictionary and I saw a picture of Meta Knight flippin' me off

So under your definition Meta is the only overpowered character in all of Smash
Ehhh... My knowledge of 64 isn't enough for me to judge if Pikachu is overpowered or not (Isai is overpowered, though). But in the realms of Melee and Brawl, yes, I believe Meta is the only broken bastard.
Isai belongs in his own tier

on all is brawl there was a poll of the best smash character
MK was voted best by a long shot
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Tier? Isai shits on tiers and then commands Meta Knight to throw it at Sakurai. You cannot grasp the true form of Isai's godliness!

EDIT: GOD DAMNIT I'M OFF TOPIC AGAIN Dx! Pokemon trainer talk pllll00000xxxxx?!?!?
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personally i'd like to see 2 PT's in the new SSB4, Brawls Trio vs black/whites 3 starters

u guys know bout Pokemon Rumble from the Wii shop and for the 3DS? they should make 1 like brawl, stuff with the 35 most voted BOSS's PKMN.... just a thought
^ Yes, it's terrible.

u guys know bout Pokemon Rumble from the Wii shop and for the 3DS? they should make 1 like brawl, stuff with the 35 most voted BOSS's PKMN.... just a thought

... Or they could take all the wasted time 'n effort they put into the Rumble and Pokepark games to make this instead. That'd be nice.
IDK what everyone is talking about...but I'm gonna go off topic just a bit and say...I realize pokepark 2 came out like within the month or so..however I'm ready for pokepark 3 lol IDGAF if people talk **** about the game...**** I LOVE it ^_^

On topic~ I like luigifreaks idea about the brawl pkmn trainer vs black/white pkmn with the three new starters: Tepig, Snivy, Oshawott

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