SSBB GAY stuff

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  • #16
AH STFU if my wiis in the living room
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  • #18
the way xbox uses gamer tags
well how would you get their gamer tags, but wouldn't be able to get their friendcodes?

lolz owned

edit- dayoh, there are no messaging in random matches

Ahh yer, i forgot about that.

TTACKK, stop sitting on your ass and expecting something to fall on your lap, if you can get someones friend code, how the hell do u manage collecting gamertags.
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  • #24
wow dud just shut up about it ok damn you hag ass **** **** damn and in xbox you just ****ing add them ****
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  • #25
thanks for the advice my ****ing little brother log me on and was being stupid sorry every one...i know that Fc was confermed and i already said " i will use msn messenger for it"thanks and sorry in the behalf of my bro...
Random people are fun to play(with profiles an headsets) just because you can meet new people or interact with forum goers in another way. profiles with username and winloss and ranking for competition and headsets for voice comunication.

As for FCs. Dude, your brother is great. I wanna complain with him. :p

Wanting to meet new people online doesn't mean you have no friends, it means you want MORE!!!!

A buncha you Wiichatters are :tard:
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TTACKK said:
As previously revealed, you will not be able to talk with strangers and no records will be saved in public play. You won't even get their names or friend codes.

This is pretty gay. Why must I be forced to know the people in real life that I wanna play with? What's wrong with meeting someone online, enjoying playing with someone around your skill level, and wanting to add them as a friend? Since when did making friends online become a bad thing?
TTACKK said:
thanks for the advice my ****ing little brother log me on and was being stupid sorry every one...i know that Fc was confermed and i already said " i will use msn messenger for it"thanks and sorry in the behalf of my bro...
Ahhh. No worries, least its sorted now :D
Theres 2 ways to friend codes;
1) you have friends (with wii's and game that requires the codes)
2) You have no friends
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