SSBB 8 player (Speculation)


Aug 12, 2006
Obviously this is just speculation, and there's a lot of Ifs... but if like many people have assumed you can use both the classic controller and the game cube controller it should be possible to have an eight player game. Bomber Man '93 from the virtual console kinda supports this as you can have a 5 player game.

So I'm just throwing this idea out there and I want to know:

1.) If you think it's a cool idea or if more than 4 players is just stupid
2.) If you think they'll have more than four players

Myself, I hope they have an 8 way brawl, cos that's what brawlin' is all about; lots of people and chaos. All I know is I'm gonna get me some more friends just in case ;)
yea i was thinking about this too. has anyone seen those charcter selection screens from brawl? i saw a few (but i didnt look at the characters) and i saw 8 character things at the bottom of the screen. i think it might be 8 players. i think you could only play it on bug stages though. if you have 8 wiimotes it might workk, or 4 cubes and 4 classics
We've already seen battlefield, and it's not very big. Try cramming eight people in there, just doesn't work. I personally don't like the idea much, as it would be too chaotic, and way less strategic. It's a cool idea, just wouldn't work. In the end, it wouldn't be everybody fighting everybody, but each person goes on one person, so there's four mini battles instead. Just wouldn't work. ((Said that three times!)(Making a note of it before someone else does))
This wont work because if you have had DBZ bt 2 you xcan not use both amecube nd wii mote at same time
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Even in four players it's usually 3 vs 1... That's why the tournaments tend to use the 1 vs 1, 4 stock, 8 mins rule.

And perhaps like some games the arena scales depending on how many characters are playing.

EDIT: And if you have Bomber Man '93 you CAN use the GC controller and the classic controller. So it's not a hardware limitation, just a software one.
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Well then my point still stands that theoretically there's nothing stopping eight way brawlin'.
It's possible. It won't make a huge difference to me either way. But as far as hardware, it's possible. Like Leviathan said, some VC games (i.e. Bomberman) allow more than 4 players so obviously Wii games can. But I don't think it makes a huge difference to most people. Besides, even if the Wii wasn't capable of it and they wanted to allow that many players, they could just do it through online. It's really up to how it works within the game I'd say. Keep in mind it's a BRAWL though :)
Imo there is no need for more than 4 people playing simultaneously. The average game is not that long, so even if you have 8 friends over there probably only going to be waiting 5 minutes before they get to play again.

I hate playing against more than 1-2 people, unless its team battle.

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