Sponsored Skydive


God Complex
Feb 16, 2007
Liverpool, UK
Wii Online Code
I'm thinking the lounge has been clouded over by depression and that's really not something I remember back in the day. So, I've got on my happy little rainbow sunshine horse and decided that... That I got up way too early for college and I have lots of hours to kill before my english language lesson... so I'm going to tell you a story. Seem interested.

A couple of months ago my aunty came down to give us all Christmas presents and was talking about her job, she's an optician. A little twelve year old that comes in regularly had just been diagnosed with a disease called retinitis pigmentosa. It's a disease which would mean that, by the age of 30, you will lose your vision completely. My aunty had grew a little fond of this child and didn't like telling the mother the news. There is medication that can delay total blindness for about ten or so years, and she wanted to improve it.

With her list of contacts she was able to set up a skydive that she was participating in with a bunch of her friends and her boyfriend. It was quite costly, it's £400 to go skydiving. She made her jump a few days ago and raised over £3500 herself alone, and that was by putting a bucket by the reception of the optician, I don't know how much the others raised but it seemed to be a hell of a lot.

She said it was like being momentarily lost, you didn't feel any forces on your body but you could flap your arms and everything, she said it was an unbelievable experience. When she was dangling out of the plane though she said that she was asbolutely bricking it, but apparently it's nothing like a rollercoaster.

So, she's donated all of her money to a retinitis pigmentosa research charity. :)

I've always wanted to go skydiving but the cost, eep, I might just scratch that off my list of things to do in life, but I'm up for anything. Plus, apparently I had to "study" and enrol in college and whatnot.

So, everyone, cheers for my aunty?
Jumping out of planes is nuts! good for her though raising the cash though!

I would scratch skydiving off my list. Snowboarding, skateboarding, "deep-sea" diving (or shallow sea if you're me), all good. Jumping out of planes no way lol.

*splat* - (thats me jumping out a plane)
That is a very nice thing to do. Cheers to your aunty for taking her time to raise that much money for the charity. :)
That's so nice =]

Meh I'd never do that, I'd be too worried the shoot wouldn't come out =/

However I do want to try one of those indoor sky diving things.
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surfinrach90 said:
That's so nice =]

Meh I'd never do that, I'd be too worried the shoot wouldn't come out =/

However I do want to try one of those indoor sky diving things.

Everything's perfectly safe in sky diving, people have a second schute which has to be tested, and if you're in a situation where you can't reach your cord there's an auto schute which releases itself automatically when you're beyond a safe height. So, I'd try it myself.
Can't say I would want to skydive, but I think it's great that your Aunt did it to help others. My buddy did it with his gf at the time and he absolutely loved it, so I dunno.
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Frogger said:
Everything's perfectly safe in sky diving, people have a second schute which has to be tested, and if you're in a situation where you can't reach your cord there's an auto schute which releases itself automatically when you're beyond a safe height. So, I'd try it myself.

I'd be terrified. What if by chance, all three fail to open?? At least it'd a quick death...
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manufan15 said:
I'd be terrified. What if by chance, all three fail to open?? At least it'd a quick death...

Despite the perception of danger, fatalities are rare. However, each year a number of people are hurt or killed parachuting world-wide.[2][3] About 30 skydivers are killed each year in the US; roughly one death for every 100,000 jumps

Equipment failure rarely causes fatalities and injuries. While approximately one in 600 jumps results in a main parachute malfunction, reserve canopies are packed by an FAA licensed rigger and are designed to be highly reliable.

Basically, it's not the equipment that would cause fatalities, it's the angle of which the person lands and how fast they're going, wind and weather factor is always important with that. It's a very safe sport itself but you definitely have to know what you're doing, I really wouldn't like to end up in the ocean or stuck in a tree.
Frogger said:
I really wouldn't like to end up in the ocean or stuck in a tree

I dont want to parachute, I want to fly the plane, (but either is fine.)

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